Birdwatching in Cyprus: Where to go and what to look out for | English edition



Cyprus is an important place for birds on a regional and international level. Over 400 species of bird have been recorded here, most of which occur as regular passage migrants. This book features ten birdwatching locations across the island and the species one might see there, along with detailed maps and instructions on how to get there. It also presents in brief six additional birdwatching locations and includes a comprehensive checklist of the birds of Cyprus.

Availability: 172 in stock

Dimensions: 13 x 1 x 18 cm

Weight: 206gr

No. of pages: 121

ISBN: 978-9925-7734-2-8

Author: Jane Stylianou

Additional texts: Elena Markitani

Editors: Elena Markitani, Martin Hellicar

Landscape Photography: Silvio A. Rusmigo

Bird Photography: Filippos Georgiades, Dave Nye, James Wilson, Albert Stoecker, Spyros Spyrou, Michael Gore, Stavros Christodoulides, Guy Shorrock

Layout: Myria Konnari

Publisher: BirdLife Cyprus

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